Wednesday, December 25, 2013

April 15, 2013

hola familia,

i can`t believe another week has gone by already. the time really is just slipping through my fingers. it`s a pretty unpleasant sensation, but i`m learning to accept it, and enojy every moment for all it has to offer. 

this week has been my week of HUMILITY and PATIENCE. we aren`t seeing all that much progress in the sector, and it`s been pretty rough on the three of us. we keep working just as hard as ever each day, and maintain a positive attitude, because there`s nothing to gain in being grumpy or ungrateful. instead we`ve talked a bunch and have set goals for what we can do better in the coming weeks, and we know the lord will help us find more success in teaching more of his children.

even with the difficulties we`ve been facing, there`s still plenty of experiences that make me smile, and that make me SO grateful to be here, now, as one of the lord`s servants. just a few simple examples:
  • one of the less-active members we`ve been teaching expressed her desire to be sealed to her family in the temple! when we asked her what she liked most about being a member of the church, she said "being mormon is being part of an eternal family. it`s what i want more than anything." i was so blown away by the phrase, and was reminded that i too, want to be with you,  my family, for the eternities! 
  • D&C 130: And that same asociality (the family) which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with beternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.
  • i know that an eternal glory awaits our family, if every one of us is willing to do our part and FIGHT against all opposition. i know it will be worth it. 
  • this week two young men from the ward, david and felipe, accompanied us in several visits, and in a stake missionary activity, and in a ward mission activity!! they`re only 13 and 16 years old, but they LOVE the church! they seriously cannot wait to be missionaries, and it`s just so inspiring! i was so touched by their enthusiasm and sincere desire to help in the lord`s work.
on thursday we`ll be having am mission conference with the WHOLE mission in concepcion becuase elder zwick of the seventy is coming to speak. apparently he was presidente martinez`s mission president back in the day. i`m super excited to be able to hear what he needs from me in my last few weeks here in chile. there`s still so much to do! so many people to help!

with that said, i`m off to work. love you!

hermana wright

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