Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 14, 2013

well, the time has come for me to finally leave the mission chile, concepcion south:south...for the last year i have stayed in three sectors that are within an hour and a half from each other, and are the southern-most sectors in the mission. BUT, tomorrow i´ll be headed to LOS ANGELES!!!! yes, LA chile. the sector is called villa esmeralda. my comp is named hna lissandrello, and she´s from argentina. should be an exciting cambio, seeing as i´ll be leaving all that i´m used to and starting from scratch! should be fun. i´m looking forward to meeting the new ward and seeing what the central part of the mission is like.

i´m loving the mission. it´s hard. i´m stretching and learning, and it hurts sometimes, but that´s just the nature of growing pains, isn´t it?! i love you all for your perseverance and support, and know that i pray always for you. don´t worry about me either. i literally feel the help of the lord, and trust 100% in his protection.

more fotos next week i hope (depends on the computer...)

con cariño,

hermana wright

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