Saturday, October 29, 2011

hey, so um, you should write me.

if you want to keep in touch with me while i'm gone, then i have great news for you! there are these things called letters where you can write things on a piece of paper and put a stamp on it and send it anywhere in the world, then the other person sends one back! haha

if you would like to send me letters while i'm gone here's how:

in the mtc
 (until about jan. 2nd):
sister sophia e wright
mtc mailbox #285
chi-chons 0103
2005 n 900 e
provo, ut 84604-1793

in chile:
once i'm in chile, because of how the mail system works, i can only receive letters that are one piece of printer paper, folded into thirds (remember "hot dog style"?...haha) and taped closed, with a US first class stamp and address on the outside. 

sophia esther wright
chile concepcion south mission
pob 30150
salt lake city ut 84130-0150

sophia esther wright
chile concepcion south mission
o'higgins 940, oficina 503
phone (if you mail through private courier, they will require the phone number of the mission office): 56 412-210-312

but, i have good news!! because that whole letter-writing process is kind of complicated i was glad to find out today that you can go to and write letters for free for my whole mission!! all you have to do is go to the website, choose provo mtc, or chile concepcion south mission, click "write a letter," and you can type your letters to me for free. how awesome is that?! 

so basically, i'd love to hear from you if you get a chance, but if not, i'll see you in a couple years!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

the call.

so, i've pretty much known that i wanted to serve a mission since i was 16. people keep asking me how i was so sure of it early on, and i've never been able to give them a straight answer! i think part of it has to do with growing up in maine and talking to people about the church pretty often, but mostly it just feels like something i'm supposed to do, you know? and when i put in my papers/"applied" in may and got my call in june, it definitely just seemed right!
(the video from my mission call opening)

it was super fun to open my call up at aspen grove. everyone was really supportive. i had my parents and siblings on conference call, and my parents on skype to witness the whole thing too! needless to say, i'm excited. it's weird that it's finally here, and to realize that i'll be dropping my "normal" life for the next year and a half, but i know it will be so worth it. i can't wait to get out there and tell people about what i believe. the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints has been such a good influence on my life, and being a part of it has brought me so much happiness. I know that its teachings are true, and i look forward to helping others come closer to jesus christ and change their lives for the better. wish me luck!

ps: if you'd like to keep in touch, i'll be posting details about letters/packages/emails/etc. as soon as i can!