so, here i am again with zero time to write, and WAY to much to say (our zone activity went long again today). so here are a few highlights to hold you over till next week:
-zone activity: we had a mexican fiesta! ok so sort of...we ate some mexican food at least! we cooked tortillas with chicken, guacamole, salsa, and tomatoes. it was sooooo delicious. it was funny how much it reminded me of home, because i´m not even mexican, but was a taste that i haven´t had at all since i´ve been here. then we had homemade cookies (with peanut butter m&ms!!!) and ice cream. i was very happy. the bummer is that this was our last zone activity together! we´ve really become a family, so it´ll be really hard to leave and start over in another zone, but i´m sure it´ll be great too.
-changes: i´m leaving my sector for temuco, a sector about an hour to the south! i´ll be in the center of a big city (it really does remind me of boston in how busy it is with all of the cars and the noise and tons of university students). also, i´ll be in a TRIO! there´s an odd number of hermanas for now, so there´ll be 3 of us in one tiny, tiny house in the city (i´ll have to send photos next week, cause it´s seriously SO small) this was all VERY unexpected, because my companion had found out she was leaving, which typically means that the other one stays, but NOPE! we are both leaving the sector so another hermana can train her new companion here in tolhuaca. which also means that we have to leave tons of notes and instructions and make sure everything in the house is ready for the new hermanas because everything will be new to them (like it was for my comp and i when we opened the secor 3 months ago!) super uncommon, but that seems to be how things go so far in my mission experience, so it works for me. it is sad though because i just hadn´t been preparing myself emotionally to be leaving, so it´s all really abrupt. but the baptism really was the best way to leave the sector.
-interesting side-note: the sector that i´m going to just happens to be where SERGIO is going to university!! yep, i´m following my very first investigator to college! i´m super excited to be able to contact him again and help him continue to progress.
-oh yeah, so...I HAD MY FIRST BAPTISM YESTERDAY!!! actually, we baptized TWO jovenes (youth? young ones? haha don´t know how to translate). john and carlos were baptized and confirmed right after church today, and it was so so so so so great. the service went really well, with lots of participation from the members, and i got to sing too! hna miller and i were a little nervous because we are both leaving right after they got baptized, but with all of the help and support we saw from the members, we know that they will be well taken care of. one of the best parts of the baptism was when the grandma (who was sealed in the temple, but has been inactive for several years) got up unexpectedly at the end and started balling as she bore her testimony that her and her husband were going to return to the church because they were able to feel the spirit so strong at the baptism of their grandkids, and were reminded of why they were baptized in the first place. it was a really sweet experience. i was so proud of the work that hna miller and i did to prepare these boys for baptism, but even more that we were able to help reactivate an entire family! such a blessing from heavenly father. (my companion has my camera right now with the photos of the baptism, and i´ve got to get off the computer, so the photos will have to wait till next week. sorry!)
lots of love :)
hna wright
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
March 19, 2012
so, i´m having camera issues and accidentally deleted some of the photos that i was going to send today....not too happy about that. for some reason my memory card is filling up with only like 6 pictures and a video on it and i don´t know how to fix it. any ideas?
anyway, hello familia and friends!
life is good! we are going to have a baptism this sunday! it´s seriously such a miracle. we found carlos (14) and john (10) through their grandparents who are less-active members that we visited regularly for about the first month that i was here in chile, but the grandparents weren´t progressing, so we had to stop visiting them as frequently. one of the times we were there though, we met their daughter maria (also a less-active member), and grandkids john and carlos (non-members), and we had a short lesson with them about the restoration and the book of mormon, and gave carlos a book of mormon to begin reading on his own. they were pretty receptive, but every time we went back to try and find them, they weren´t there! long story short, they showed up at church with their mom a couple weeks ago, and she wants to completely reactivate in the church and have her sons baptized! naturally, we were pretty excited to hear that! we´ve been teaching both of them pretty much every day since, and it´s so exciting to see not only carlos and john learn about the gospel, but also that their mom can have this opportunity to remember why she got baptized, and why it´s so important that she return to the church and be the faithful example that her family needs. this baptism is seriously SUCH a miracle, especially since it is the last chance hna miller and i will have to baptize together because cambios (changes - this word has become completely integrated into my took me a second to realize that i should probably translate it just in case...haha) coming up on the 27th!! we´re not completely sure of what will happen with hna miller and i this cambio, but since i´ve finished my training it´s likely that i´ll stay here for at least another 6 weeks, and she´ll go to another sector. BUT, we never know. we get the call on saturday though so i´ll be able to write about it next week! it´s just so weird not to know where i´ll be living next week....that´s the mission for you!
i got to do an intercambio (divisions, splits? not really sure in english) this week with another hermana further south! it was a really great experience because i got to see how another hermana works and learn from her example. i also learned a valuable lesson while i was with her: BE BOLD! even though i was in an unfamiliar sector with a companion that i didn´t know all that well, i felt comfortable because i know that the message we´re sharing is true, and because i´ve learned a lot in the last 12 weeks about how to be an effective missionary, and i felt prepared to go out and teach and love and invite people to christ! overall i came away from the experience with a renewed motivation to make my presence known as a representative of christ and his church, because this is his time, i can´t waste it by being timid. as my training wraps up, i´ve had to take more of the initiative in pretty much all aspects of the companionship: in teaching, managing the phone, guiding us from appointment to appointment, making daily and weekly plans, and interacting with the members. so yeah, basically everything...haha. it was a little overwhelming to have to take a step up this week and take more of the initiative, but it really helped me rely on and my companion, but more importantly, on the lord as a support, and realize that i really can do anything with his help.i may be one small little sister missionary wandering the streets of a tiny town in chile, but i carry with me a message that has changed the world, and that is changing the people that interact with on a daily basis. these chileans are depending on me, whether they know it or not! so although at times i feel a little overwhelmed and inadequate, i know that the lord is qualifying me more and more every day as i make my best effort to be obedient, diligent, and faithful, trusting in him completely.
oh, funny story real quick: we were walking down a small street of houses the other day with a member who had accompanied us to a visit, when we walked past a group of younger boys (pre-teenish) outside their house. my companion was talking to the member so she didn´t really hear, but they started shouting to us after we walked by, "HELLO!...YES! RED!" clearly, the expanse of their english vocabulary is a little less than impressive, but it was still really entertaining.
finally, since i´m a missionary and can´t end without a scripture, i was really hit this week by d&c 101:16
"therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that i am god"
when times are crazy, when you´re stressed out, when you think you can´t do it, be still. trust in god and his plan for you. you´re in you´re heavenly father´s hands.
hermanita wright
anyway, hello familia and friends!
life is good! we are going to have a baptism this sunday! it´s seriously such a miracle. we found carlos (14) and john (10) through their grandparents who are less-active members that we visited regularly for about the first month that i was here in chile, but the grandparents weren´t progressing, so we had to stop visiting them as frequently. one of the times we were there though, we met their daughter maria (also a less-active member), and grandkids john and carlos (non-members), and we had a short lesson with them about the restoration and the book of mormon, and gave carlos a book of mormon to begin reading on his own. they were pretty receptive, but every time we went back to try and find them, they weren´t there! long story short, they showed up at church with their mom a couple weeks ago, and she wants to completely reactivate in the church and have her sons baptized! naturally, we were pretty excited to hear that! we´ve been teaching both of them pretty much every day since, and it´s so exciting to see not only carlos and john learn about the gospel, but also that their mom can have this opportunity to remember why she got baptized, and why it´s so important that she return to the church and be the faithful example that her family needs. this baptism is seriously SUCH a miracle, especially since it is the last chance hna miller and i will have to baptize together because cambios (changes - this word has become completely integrated into my took me a second to realize that i should probably translate it just in case...haha) coming up on the 27th!! we´re not completely sure of what will happen with hna miller and i this cambio, but since i´ve finished my training it´s likely that i´ll stay here for at least another 6 weeks, and she´ll go to another sector. BUT, we never know. we get the call on saturday though so i´ll be able to write about it next week! it´s just so weird not to know where i´ll be living next week....that´s the mission for you!
i got to do an intercambio (divisions, splits? not really sure in english) this week with another hermana further south! it was a really great experience because i got to see how another hermana works and learn from her example. i also learned a valuable lesson while i was with her: BE BOLD! even though i was in an unfamiliar sector with a companion that i didn´t know all that well, i felt comfortable because i know that the message we´re sharing is true, and because i´ve learned a lot in the last 12 weeks about how to be an effective missionary, and i felt prepared to go out and teach and love and invite people to christ! overall i came away from the experience with a renewed motivation to make my presence known as a representative of christ and his church, because this is his time, i can´t waste it by being timid. as my training wraps up, i´ve had to take more of the initiative in pretty much all aspects of the companionship: in teaching, managing the phone, guiding us from appointment to appointment, making daily and weekly plans, and interacting with the members. so yeah, basically everything...haha. it was a little overwhelming to have to take a step up this week and take more of the initiative, but it really helped me rely on and my companion, but more importantly, on the lord as a support, and realize that i really can do anything with his help.i may be one small little sister missionary wandering the streets of a tiny town in chile, but i carry with me a message that has changed the world, and that is changing the people that interact with on a daily basis. these chileans are depending on me, whether they know it or not! so although at times i feel a little overwhelmed and inadequate, i know that the lord is qualifying me more and more every day as i make my best effort to be obedient, diligent, and faithful, trusting in him completely.
oh, funny story real quick: we were walking down a small street of houses the other day with a member who had accompanied us to a visit, when we walked past a group of younger boys (pre-teenish) outside their house. my companion was talking to the member so she didn´t really hear, but they started shouting to us after we walked by, "HELLO!...YES! RED!" clearly, the expanse of their english vocabulary is a little less than impressive, but it was still really entertaining.
finally, since i´m a missionary and can´t end without a scripture, i was really hit this week by d&c 101:16
"therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that i am god"
when times are crazy, when you´re stressed out, when you think you can´t do it, be still. trust in god and his plan for you. you´re in you´re heavenly father´s hands.
hermanita wright
Monday, March 12, 2012
March 12, 2012
our activity went a little long today, so i only have a few minutes left to write, and no time to attach photos :( but i will for sure next week. we were invited to another disco at a member´s house across the railroad tracks, and we ended up teaching a really great lesson about how god is our loving heavenly father, and it was super powerful because there was a young man who is going through some seriouss struggles, and we were able to pray together and bring him some comfort.
other than that, i have fleas. actually, i´ve had fleas for weeks. NOT a fun experience, but apparently it´s super common, at least among all of the sister missionaries. every time i see a dog scratching themself in the street now, i just say to them in spanish, "i feel your pain". it´s embarrassing, yes, but such is the life of a missionary...haha. actually, i´ve come to the point where pride really just has to go out the window. there´s no room for it in the mission, and really no room for it in life in general!
something i learned in my personal study this week (i´ve been reading the talk "beware of pride" by president ezra taft benson - it´s excellent!)
-pride is putting your will against god´s, hardening your heart and refusing (whether consciously or not)his guidance and direction
-some manifestations of pride:
--to compare yourself to another - distances us from being able to love others as god would want us to in order to be happy
--withholding gratitude or praise for others (denying the promptings of the spirit that)
--withholding forgiveness and justifying yourself in your actions
--defensiveness - withholding your heart, making it difficult for you to recognize and feel the love of others, including the lord
-pride is UGLY, and overall just a waste of time and energy!
-love god, fear HIS judgement (not that of others), and do HIS will (not your own)!
these are only a few of the things that i felt were important to me, and i´m still not done with the talk becuase i´ve been studying all of the scriptures that he cites as well. i really want you all to search for the talk on .org and read it for yourself. i´ve really learned a lot about the need to be humble, and recognized a lot of things within myself that i´m going to change becuase of the personal revelation i received while studying this talk.
yikes, time to go, but i´ll have more time next week to fill you in on more details of a day in the life of hna wright :)
¡me voy! (people say this to us all the time. it literally means "i´m going" so we´ll be talking to someone and they´ll just say in the middle of the conversation "yeah,í´m leaving" and walk away. it´s so funny, but super common! haha i love chileans. so honest...)
lots of love,
hna wright
other than that, i have fleas. actually, i´ve had fleas for weeks. NOT a fun experience, but apparently it´s super common, at least among all of the sister missionaries. every time i see a dog scratching themself in the street now, i just say to them in spanish, "i feel your pain". it´s embarrassing, yes, but such is the life of a missionary...haha. actually, i´ve come to the point where pride really just has to go out the window. there´s no room for it in the mission, and really no room for it in life in general!
something i learned in my personal study this week (i´ve been reading the talk "beware of pride" by president ezra taft benson - it´s excellent!)
-pride is putting your will against god´s, hardening your heart and refusing (whether consciously or not)his guidance and direction
-some manifestations of pride:
--to compare yourself to another - distances us from being able to love others as god would want us to in order to be happy
--withholding gratitude or praise for others (denying the promptings of the spirit that)
--withholding forgiveness and justifying yourself in your actions
--defensiveness - withholding your heart, making it difficult for you to recognize and feel the love of others, including the lord
-pride is UGLY, and overall just a waste of time and energy!
-love god, fear HIS judgement (not that of others), and do HIS will (not your own)!
these are only a few of the things that i felt were important to me, and i´m still not done with the talk becuase i´ve been studying all of the scriptures that he cites as well. i really want you all to search for the talk on .org and read it for yourself. i´ve really learned a lot about the need to be humble, and recognized a lot of things within myself that i´m going to change becuase of the personal revelation i received while studying this talk.
yikes, time to go, but i´ll have more time next week to fill you in on more details of a day in the life of hna wright :)
¡me voy! (people say this to us all the time. it literally means "i´m going" so we´ll be talking to someone and they´ll just say in the middle of the conversation "yeah,í´m leaving" and walk away. it´s so funny, but super common! haha i love chileans. so honest...)
lots of love,
hna wright
Monday, March 5, 2012
March 5, 2012
photo explanations: (they were all from the two-ward activity we had on friday. it was a talent show, then tour of the chapel, wrapped up with a dessert contest. it was a HUGE success! except for the fact that we forgot to buy spoons or bowls, so we had to run out to a party store in the middle of the talent show to buy them so people would be able to actually EAT the postres (desserts)...haha sometimes the details slip through the cracks...)
other than the ward activity, nothing too exciting happened this week. we did travel up to concepcion for return and report with the mission president, which meant spending the night with 4 other hermanas the night before to be able to make it to the meeting on time in the morning, but the trip overall went really quick because the meeting itself was so short. it was nice to see president, as always, and i also got to see one of the elders from my district who is also in training further north in the mission. it was very reassuring to see a familiar face, and to know that things are going well for him in his sector.
i´m out of time for updates on daily life, but i did want to share with you something i learned this week. i was reading in the liahona from february, and i came across the talk "tender mercies of the lord" by elder bednar. IT IS SO GREAT! here´s a summary of the scriptures/quotes that stood out the most to me:
-juan 14:18, 21
"i will not leave you comfortless: i will come to you" - in the spanish translation, the word "comfortless" says instead "orphaned" which i actually like better because it reminds us of our relationship with the father, that he is our parent and will never leave us
"he that loveth me shall be loved of my father, and i will love him, and will manifest myself unto him"
-elder bednar "one of the ways whereby the savior comes to each of s is through his abundant and tender mercies"
-salmos 145:9
"the lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works"
-elder bednar "tender mercies are the very personal and individual blessings, strength, protection, assurance, guidance, loving-kindness, consolation, support, and gifts which we receive from and because of and through the lord jesus christ. truly, the lord suits his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men"
-back to juan 14:21
"he that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me."
-doctrine and covenants 11:20
"behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, yea, with all your might, mind, and strength."
-elder bednar "the father´s work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of his children (moses 1:39). our 2work is to keep his commandments with all of our heart, mind, and strength- and we thereby become chosen and, through the holy ghost, receive and recognize the tender mercies of the lord in our daily lives. may our hearts always be filled with the gratitude for his abundant and tender mercies."
-i love tender mercies! i can see that the lord has such a powerful influence in my life right now, and that he has his hand in everything i do. even in the moments when he is stretching and pulling me to help me change for the better, he´s always there, loving me unconditionally
out of time! love you all mucho mucho. so be good so we can all live in heaven together! haha i told you i´m totally a missionary...
-hermana wright
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denisse, one of the less-active recent converts that we´ve been visiting and helping to get back to church |
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me and a bunch of chileans...haha ok so technically my companion is gringa, but it really does look like a pic of me with all of my chilean friends! i love it. |
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a photo of the stage-to get a better idea of what the talent part looked like |
other than the ward activity, nothing too exciting happened this week. we did travel up to concepcion for return and report with the mission president, which meant spending the night with 4 other hermanas the night before to be able to make it to the meeting on time in the morning, but the trip overall went really quick because the meeting itself was so short. it was nice to see president, as always, and i also got to see one of the elders from my district who is also in training further north in the mission. it was very reassuring to see a familiar face, and to know that things are going well for him in his sector.
i´m out of time for updates on daily life, but i did want to share with you something i learned this week. i was reading in the liahona from february, and i came across the talk "tender mercies of the lord" by elder bednar. IT IS SO GREAT! here´s a summary of the scriptures/quotes that stood out the most to me:
-juan 14:18, 21
"i will not leave you comfortless: i will come to you" - in the spanish translation, the word "comfortless" says instead "orphaned" which i actually like better because it reminds us of our relationship with the father, that he is our parent and will never leave us
"he that loveth me shall be loved of my father, and i will love him, and will manifest myself unto him"
-elder bednar "one of the ways whereby the savior comes to each of s is through his abundant and tender mercies"
-salmos 145:9
"the lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works"
-elder bednar "tender mercies are the very personal and individual blessings, strength, protection, assurance, guidance, loving-kindness, consolation, support, and gifts which we receive from and because of and through the lord jesus christ. truly, the lord suits his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men"
-back to juan 14:21
"he that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me."
-doctrine and covenants 11:20
"behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, yea, with all your might, mind, and strength."
-elder bednar "the father´s work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of his children (moses 1:39). our 2work is to keep his commandments with all of our heart, mind, and strength- and we thereby become chosen and, through the holy ghost, receive and recognize the tender mercies of the lord in our daily lives. may our hearts always be filled with the gratitude for his abundant and tender mercies."
-i love tender mercies! i can see that the lord has such a powerful influence in my life right now, and that he has his hand in everything i do. even in the moments when he is stretching and pulling me to help me change for the better, he´s always there, loving me unconditionally
out of time! love you all mucho mucho. so be good so we can all live in heaven together! haha i told you i´m totally a missionary...
-hermana wright
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